International Conference of Physics Students

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2018-08-08 – 2018-08-14 Jour entier
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The International Conference of Physics Students is a student-run event organized annually by one of the member committees of the International Association of Physics Students. Each year, the ICPS gathers over 300 physics students from over 30 countries around the world in one place to share their passion for science for one week. The conference is a brilliant opportunity for the young minds to get familiar with academic conferences and to begin creating their global contact network crucial to today’s field of science.

ICPS 2016 group photo
ICPS 2016 group photo

The conference consists of scientific program, such as guest lectures, laboratory and institute excursions as well as social events. The students can also gain valuable experience from presenting their topics in form of a student lecture or a poster.

Maxime est post-doctorant au Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique (LIPhy) de l'Université Grenoble Alpes. Après une thèse à l'ESPCI sur le retournement temporel des ondes dans les milieux granulaires il s'intéresse désormais à l'acoustique des bulles. Il est président de la Commission Jeunes de la SFP.

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