RJP Grenoble is a one day conference for non-permanent physicists working in Grenoble for social and scientific exchange. It will be a great opportunity for you to gain a broad overview of the research executed here by your fellow students and to enter into a strong network of young physicists.

This year, RJP Grenoble will happen on June, 15th – from 8.30!

Our aim:

Organised by the Commission Jeunes of SFP, the RJP brings together young physicists for a day of social and scientific exchange. The main focuses of the event are Interdisciplinarity, Networking and Pedagogy!

Interdisciplinarity – As you might know, Grenoble is a major pole of research within France and beyond its borders. The event will give you the opportunity to gain a comprehensive understanding of the cutting edge research that is currently performed by your fellow PhD and Post-doctoral colleagues in and around Grenoble.

Networking – One of our major goals is to create a strong network of young physicists working here in Grenoble. We hope the RJP will create a relaxed environment for you to exchange with others in a professional manner. And who knows, this event might lay the foundation for your future collaborations once you have moved to another national or international institution.

Pedagogy – We want to give to all of you the opportunity to present your work if you want to do so. This might happen in front of a poster or in form of an oral presentation. Independently of how you are going to present, keep in mind that the audience is composed of PhD and Post-doctoral students. That means that there is no need to feel intimidated by the expertise of permanent researchers. So the RJP is a great chance for you to train your scientific communication in a relaxed environment.

What else: The RJP committee will organize a scientifically valuable but also fun day for you. The conference will cover diverse research fields of physics that are currently under investigation here in Grenoble. But we are also aiming at creating a relaxed environment for all of our participants.

More infos: http://rjp-grenoble.jeunes.sfpnet.fr.

Maxime est post-doctorant au Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique (LIPhy) de l'Université Grenoble Alpes. Après une thèse à l'ESPCI sur le retournement temporel des ondes dans les milieux granulaires il s'intéresse désormais à l'acoustique des bulles. Il est président de la Commission Jeunes de la SFP.

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